I am trying to convert some cfradial files (non-NEXRAD) to dorade format. However, RadxConvert throws the following error message:
INFO - RadxConvert::Run
Input path: data/ARMOR_qc1.nc
ERROR - RadxConvert::_readFile
path: data/ARMOR_qc1.nc
ERROR - NcfRadxFile::_readPositionVariables
latitude is incorrect type: nc3Float
expecting type: double
ERROR - NcfRadxFile::readFromPath::_readPath
ERROR - GenericRadxFile::readFromPath
File format not recognized: data/ARMOR_qc1.nc
System configuration:
MacOS High Sierra v 10.13.6, and
brew info lrose-core
lrose-core: stable core-20190130
/usr/local/Cellar/lrose-core/core-20190130 (2,400 files, 98.1MB) *
Built from source on 2019-03-26 at 16:30:15
From: /usr/local/opt/lrose-core/.brew/lrose-core.rb
==> Dependencies
Required: hdf5 --enable-cxx ✘, netcdf --enable-cxx-compat ✘, udunits ✘, fftw ✘, flex ✘, jpeg ✔, libpng ✔, qt ✘, szip ✔, pkg-config ✔
==> Requirements
Required: x11 ✔