Generating the output file in FRACTL

I am a very new user of FRACTL… I am providing the grid spec in FRACTL below
zGrid = 0.0,15,1
yGrid = -200,200,1
xGrid = -200,200,1
the program is executing and the output is stored at the specified path.
but the grid specification
zGrid = 0.0,15,0.5
yGrid = -200,200,0.5 or -200,200,1
xGrid = -200,200,0.5 or -200,200,1
output not storing. The program is executing as shown below after that no error is displayed and output is also not generated. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in virtual mode.

bbox: nob: 7200
coordz: min: 0.434 max: 0.531
coordy: min: -0.0022134 max: 36.543
coordx: min: -18.181 max: 0.0020425

bbox: nob: 156764
coordz: min: 0.43516 max: 2.9984
coordy: min: -199.84 max: 199.97
coordx: min: -164.33 max: 199.98

Statistic: numTot: 156764 min: -46.935 max: 46.935 mean: -0.09409592 stddev: 8.306509

Statistic: numTot: 156764 min: 0.03123047 max: 8.494746 mean: 1.224934 stddev: 0.7465279

timeMin: 1690971261
timeMax: 1690972171

npt: 156764
runTime: build KD mat: 0.009932
runTime: build KD tree: 0.13217
radz: nradz: 7 zgridmin: 0 zgridmax: 3 zgridinc: 0.5
rady: nrady: 801 ygridmin: -200 ygridmax: 200 ygridinc: 0.5
radx: nradx: 801 xgridmin: -200 xgridmax: 200 xgridinc: 0.5
runTime: alloc cellMat: 0.11848

After this program does not show any message… and no output is generated.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated…
Thanking you


Could you please provide your parameter file and input files? Google drive is fine.
