I am a very new user of FRACTL… I am providing the grid spec in FRACTL below
zGrid = 0.0,15,1
yGrid = -200,200,1
xGrid = -200,200,1
the program is executing and the output is stored at the specified path.
but the grid specification
zGrid = 0.0,15,0.5
yGrid = -200,200,0.5 or -200,200,1
xGrid = -200,200,0.5 or -200,200,1
output not storing. The program is executing as shown below after that no error is displayed and output is also not generated. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in virtual mode.
bbox: nob: 7200
coordz: min: 0.434 max: 0.531
coordy: min: -0.0022134 max: 36.543
coordx: min: -18.181 max: 0.0020425
bbox: nob: 156764
coordz: min: 0.43516 max: 2.9984
coordy: min: -199.84 max: 199.97
coordx: min: -164.33 max: 199.98
Statistic: numTot: 156764 min: -46.935 max: 46.935 mean: -0.09409592 stddev: 8.306509
Statistic: numTot: 156764 min: 0.03123047 max: 8.494746 mean: 1.224934 stddev: 0.7465279
timeMin: 1690971261
timeMax: 1690972171
npt: 156764
runTime: build KD mat: 0.009932
runTime: build KD tree: 0.13217
radz: nradz: 7 zgridmin: 0 zgridmax: 3 zgridinc: 0.5
rady: nrady: 801 ygridmin: -200 ygridmax: 200 ygridinc: 0.5
radx: nradx: 801 xgridmin: -200 xgridmax: 200 xgridinc: 0.5
runTime: alloc cellMat: 0.11848
After this program does not show any message… and no output is generated.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated…
Thanking you