Link to test polarimetric workflow data

A temporary link to the data shown in the AMS tutorial can be found here.

Sample workflow

This workflow will convert a raw radar file to cfradial and calculate the rain rate. Note, the current parameter files are currently optimized to work on Unix systems. Edits coming soon to run through docker.

  1. Download .gz file
  2. Extract contents into the desired directory
    tar -zxvf radx_test.tar.gz
  3. In /radx, edit the directories in env_dirs (note: there is purposely no slash at the beginning of PROJ)
    export HOMED="/path/to/home/directory"
    export PROJ=“path/to/project/radx”
    export RAW="/path/to/raw/radar/data"
  4. Set the variables in the terminal and set the date
    cd $HOMED/$PROJ
    source env_dirs
    source env_vars
    export days=“20170602”
  5. Convert file to cfradial
    /path/to/RadxConvert -params ./params/RadxConvert.* -f $RAW/$RADAR_NAME/$days/*.raw * (!!! remove the space before the final * !!!)
  6. Run RadxRate to calculate Kdp, the PID, and various rain rates
    /path/to/RadxRate -params ./params/RadxRate.* -f ./convert/$RADAR_NAME/$days/*.nc
  7. Run RadxQpe to calculate the near-surface rainfall (which is set to use the hybrid method)
    /path/to/RadxQpe -params ./params/RadxQpe.* -f ./rate/$RADAR_NAME/$days/*.nc

example output of dBZ and Kdp from RadxRate:

example output of the “surface” hybrid rain rate from RadxQpe: