Hello to tod@s!!
i am having some issues getting some Digital elevation model data for an area around north Italy, I would like to know if someone else have come across some similar issue. i thought it could be the adress to download the data i am interested in. i am following the example:
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # download SRTM data for Taiwan region
5 for lat in seq 19 25
6 do
7 for lon in seq 117 123
8 do
9 # get files
10 wget --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MEASURES/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/N${lat}E${lon}.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
11 done
12 done
thanks in advance for any possible help to solve my problem
this is what i got after launching the script